Hair Art
Beauty At Its Best!
Hair Art Salon By Cathy Shavers, Hair Salon - 649 Newtown Rd. #114 Viginia Beach, Va 23455

Hair Art Salon By Cathy Shavers

Hair Art Salon By Cathy Shavers In Va Beach

Hair Art Salon By Cathy Shavers

Hair Art Salon By Cathy Shavers

Hair Art Salon By Cathy Shavers

hair salon in va beach

Hair Art Salon By Cathy Shavers

Hair braiding has been in fashion for years. However, this braiding was casual and simpler than the modern type which requires quite a lot of skill and is considered very fashionable and hip. There are several braid hairstyles, however, in all cases the braids have been done rather tightly.
There are many advantages to hair braiding. Braid hairstyles not just look funky; these are a lot of convenience too. Moreover, those looking for a new style that keeps them feeling fresh and clean can use braiding. Cornrows form of braiding is quite famous. Cornrows consists of close braids next to each other, braids style used can be different for every one. Cornrows are so versatile, these allow you to make designs on head without having to cut or shave off your hair.
People with any type of hair can go in for braiding. Ethnicity or skin and hair color does not really create a problem for this style. Therefore, you will find white, asian and black everyone sporting the braiding hairstyles. You will be amazed to find that this style looks good on absolutely everyone. It does take some time and patience to complete them.
There is also the loose braiding, this is done quite casually and is not as long lasting as the cornrows. During earlier times, loose braiding was done by men as well as women, the purpose was not to look good, rather it was done to keep hair out of way and also protect them from breaking or getting entangled.
Braiding hairstyles are a boom for those with tightly curled hair. Braiding keeps them from having to maintain it regularly. It also helps them look and feel hassle free. Those with slightly curly hair will find these hairstyles just perfect, since these will stay in place longer. For people with straight hair, braiding hairstyles do not assure a long lasting solution. These styles will stay only for some hours. In case of silky straight hair, guarantee for these hairstyles is even less.